Sunday, August 29, 2010

News & Events

Wow, I cannot believe we are beginning our fourth week of school! We are almost halfway through our first nine weeks! In the past few weeks, we have started a new grade, were tested for our spelling and reading levels, placed into Reading groups that best fit each student's needs, finished our first Social Studies unit...I feel that we have accomplished a lot!

Scores for the Social Studies tests (2.10, 2.12) will be coming home in Tuesday's Fox Folder, along with information from Parks & Rec as well as our own Moss-Nuckols PTA. If you have not heard, the first Wednesday of every month, IHOP, in Zion Crossroads, is sponsoring Moss-Nuckols by donating part of your check to the PTA. Please see the coupon in Tuesday's folder for more details. Our first fundraiser is also coming up in a few weeks. Students will be selling Yankee Candle and Red Rocker Candy. An assembly with more information is scheduled in September. Our first PTA meeting will be held the second Tuesday in September, and each second Tuesday of every month. I hope you will be able to join us!

A request has been made to add math homework each week, so one sheet is being added for students to practice their basic facts of addition and subtraction. This sheet will be due on Friday, like the Reading Log. Please know that homework, especially Math, will always be a review for students. It will be something that has already been introduced and practiced in class. Should your child have any difficulties with this homework, please let me know and we will work on it in class as well!

This week, we will be adding something new to our schedule - Parallel Reading. If your child attended Thomas Jefferson Elementary in previous years, you may already know about this. Students will be grouped according to their level and, if working below grade level, will receive extra help outside the classroom with reading. If your child is on level or above, he/she may be with another second grade teacher for reading, or may stay with me. Either way, know that your child is getting the best help possible with Reading! More information will be coming home in the form of a letter from the school, most likely in your child's Fox Folder.

Please be sure to check your child's homework folder and agenda each day, and to look for the Fox Folder on Tuesdays and Thursdays! :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

First Week of School

We had a great first week of school! I am so proud of how our class really jumped into the school year and started getting to work! Above is a picture of us on our "Fox Hunt" on the first day of school. Our Fox Hunt helped us become more familiar with our beautiful new school and some of the important places we'll be "traveling" to. Looking forward to the second week! ;)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Recycling in the Classroom

Our class recycles! In our classroom, we will be recycling paper, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and empty glue bottles/sticks. As time passes, we might add more to that list, but we will start the year with these items. If you would like to send in things from home to recycle, please feel free to! I will be taking a load each Friday to recycle over the weekend at my local spot. Not only does this help the environment, but also teaches students responsibility and care of our planet. Happy recycling! ;)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Welcome to 2nd Grade!

I am so excited about this new school year! Welcome to our classroom!
Open House is this Thursday, August 5, from 3-7pm. I am very anxious to meet all of you and your parents!
This year, you and your parents will be kept current by our online blog. While I will send home announcements and homework in your agenda each Monday, this is also a place where we can communicate. I will be sure to post announcements on here as well as on paper, but know that the blog will be more "up to date" as our news is "happening."
I have a lot of cool things in store for this year and can't wait for us to get started! See you soon! :)