As you know, our classroom is supported by Donors Choose and all the great people who make donations towards projects we post! Bing is sponsoring an easy way for you to donate $5 from them towards a project of your choice! If you go the following Bing Education link, fill in your email address and state that you will make Bing your homepage, they will send you a code worth $5 towards a Donors Choose project! If you type in "youel" in the project search, our projects will come up.
Please consider donating towards our projects! Right now, we have two projects posted. One is for a personal laminator for our classroom so that we can laminate projects and other items to display in our room. The other project is for keyboards where we can practice our keyboarding skills as well as take AR quizzes and use them for typing writing projects!
Thanks so much for all you do to support your child's education! :)