Sunday, December 2, 2012

Senses, Triangles, and Economics - Oh My!

We culminated our unit on Famous Americans this week with Helen Keller.  What a fascinating American! To give students an idea of how she was able to overcome her own disabilities (being blind and deaf), we used our sense of smell and touch to figure out the "world" around us!

First, students had scent boxes, where they had to guess what the smell was!  Then, students felt in paper bags to guess ordinary objects, such as scissors, a calculator, brush, and pencil.

This week, we'll be starting our Economics unit.  On Monday, your child will receive a project assignment that is due Wednesday, December 12th.  Students must either choose a service (such as homework helper, nail artist, art teacher, etc.) or a good to share with the class.  We'll also be incorporating our study of barter/cash during that time as students trade goods and services!

Past examples of this project have included a homework machine, house built from Legoes, "beauty services" including nails and hair, doll clothes a student made, video game cheats (he would get you to a certain point in the game you couldn't get past!), and a pet sitter/dog walker.  I would like the student to actually create the project from clay, blocks, etc.  For the service, students can create business cards to give out to their classmates (hand made or computer-made). If you have any questions, please let me know!

Triangles:  Students brought home their triangle flash cards last week. They were so excited to choose the characters on their cards!  An information sheet was also sent home on how these cards "worked," and students have had plenty of practice!  They are based on related facts (fact families) and will help students increase their speed (fluency) of basic math facts to 20.  I also included the 10s as well.

As part of their homework, students will practice their cards one night and their math game another night - so two nights are now more "hands on" for students to practice their math skills!  They were VERY excited when I announced that.  Our next check on fact fluency will be in January!

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