*Thanks to all the parents who have volunteered to help in our classroom. If I have not contacted you, please let me know! I would like for our volunteers to start coming in either this week or next week, unless you have otherwise noted it on the letter.
*School pictures will be next week, September 16th. There were forms that went home in your child's folder last week. If you need an extra one, please let me know.
*PTA is sponsoring a contest for membership. The more parents that join, the more privileges our class can earn! Please consider joining this wonderful organization. They do so much for our school and our students! Yellow information forms went home last week in your child's folder.
*Thanks to all the parents who are signing the agendas each week, and filling out the paper in the Thursday folders. This lets me know that you are checking your child's folder and agenda each day! J
*Homework this week will be the Reading Log and any math fact sheets that are in your child's folder. You will notice a change to the Reading Log. Mrs. Watson, another second grade teacher, has graciously let us borrow her reading log. It is a definite improvement since you can now list your child's book and author, which makes it easier for AR quizzes.
Tuesday, September 8:
Resource: Music
*Reading Log
Wednesday, September 9:
Resource: P.E.
Math 2.6 Basic Facts test (add/subtract to 18)
*Reading Log
Thursday, September 10:
Resource: Library
Math 2.10 Fact Families test
*Reading Log
Friday, September 11:
Resource: P.E.
Science: Matter 2.3 test
Math 2.26 Problem Solving test
*Reading Log
Have a great weekend!