Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day!

We had a GREAT Valentine's Day today (and we tried to run off the sugar at recess time today, honest!). Our math centers and writing focused around the holiday. I thought I'd share some pictures of both! (We also gave Abraham Lincoln some love as we discussed him for our Famous Americans unit!).

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

100th Day!

We celebrated our 100th day of school (82 left!) on Monday. We started the day with Math centers and continued special activities in the afternoon during Writing. There were so many cool things we wanted to do, that the celebration has continued during the week! On Tuesday, we had our 101 snack :) (thanks to all the parents who sent treats in!) which we counted on our 100s chart, and on Wednesday, we wrote about what our life would be like when we're 102 years old, along with creating a picture. I'll be sure to post pictures of those soon since they turned out so cute! ;) Here are a few photos of our activities!