Friday, August 30, 2013

BUILD Centers

Happy Friday!  I hope you are able to relax on this special 3-day weekend.

This week, we've been so busy, I forgot to pick up my camera and take some pictures! 
Students have been studying Citizenship (our test is next Wednesday!), and students have had fun reviewing the traits of good citizenship by using our visual vocabulary cards and a special pointer when given clues.  We've also been working on our "paper bag" books, which will come home this week. 

You may have been hearing about "BUILD Centers" from your child when they talk about math.  In math, we rotate to different groups during our time.  Students rotate from my table, where we are learning about current topics in math, to "seat" where they finish their "Number of the Day" book and go to their BUILD Center, to Mrs. Compton on the carpet, where they review concepts, such as money and calendar.

The "BUILD" stands for
*Buddy Games
*Using Manipulatives
*Independent Math and Reading
*Learning About Numbers
*Doing Math

Each week (or 5 days), there are new activities for students to work with in the baskets.  It is always a review from what students learned last year, or have learned in the previous weeks of school, so students should not have difficulty completing the activities.  They have assigned buddies, and each day go to a different center.

 Don't forget September 12, our Back to School Night!  The second grade teachers will be introducing the "Math Games" Folders which will go home each week for students to practice playing the games we've learned in Math Groups.  The plan is that once a week, students will have "Game Night" and play with an adult or older sibling with one of the games we've learned in class.  This week, we learned "Plus 1 or 2 Bingo" and "Collect 25 Cents."  Folders will start to become part of the homework the week after (September 16). 


Friday, August 23, 2013

Our First FULL Week!

Welcome back to school!  We just finished "Day 8" of our second grade year.  (We are counting the days until 100 days of school when we will do a special celebration with the number 100!).

Things are starting to roll along as we make our trip into this school year.  Students are starting to settle down into the year.  Our "Scoreboard Game" is showing more "smileys" than "frownies."  In fact, for Friday, we earned 15 minutes of a Time Warp Trio episode, which focuses on history in a very fun way - and is also a series of books - and are going to try to earn the last 15 minutes for next week! (total time of the video is 30 minutes)  Students were very excited to watch as we met the trio and learned about Blackbeard and ate our special "First Full Week of School" snack!  Thanks to those that sent something in - it was delicious! :) 

We also presented our "Paper Bag Projects" this week, as well as shared something about ourselves, which is posted in the hallway, along with our "first day of second grade" pictures (which will be coming home soon!).

Please remember to sign your child's agenda each night.  Thanks to those that are already doing so.  Also, there will be a slight modification of the homework after this past week.  I realized it doesn't quite fit some of the things we do in class.  Instead, it will focus on activities to be completed Monday-Friday, along with 10 minutes of reading, as well as vocabulary words for the week.  This homework is similar to what I have done in the past, and students and parents were very happy with it.  The packet will be sent home on Monday, along with a homework/announcements sheet (just like this past week), but in a folder with your child's homework journal.  This can stay at home and be returned on Friday (or before, if your child finishes early).

Students will also have a "homework punch card" and will get a punch each week they turn in their homework.  Once it is filled (9 holes in each card), students will get a special treat!

We will also be starting our "Super Achievers" wall very soon!  Students will have a goal they will try to meet and "move up" the wall as they progress.  I am very excited about this self-motivation tool for them! The first goals we will set together, and then students will start to create their own goals as our year progresses.  I've already heard from many students things and subjects they would like to improve, so this will be a great way to motivate them!  More details on this program will be sent home soon.

Here are our pictures of the week:

Exploring Magnets

Paper Bag Projects "All About Me"

Our "School is Cool!" self portraits and information about us!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Come Join Our Learning Safari!

I am so excited to start the new school year and get to know our new class!

This year, we will be following Whole Brain Teaching's methods.  This is an exciting way to teach that engages the whole mind - with movement, repetition, and small chunks of information at a time.  For more information about this method, please visit  We will have a happy, engaged classroom this year!

Our school theme this year is "One Voice...One Goal...Excellence!"  We will be celebrating this in our classroom with a "Super Achiever's Wall" where students will track their goals and excel!  (You can't spell "excellence without excel!").  More information on that will come home later.

Please be sure to fill in all your paperwork from Open House and get it back as soon as possible so the office can start processing the information. 

If you ever have any questions, concerns, or would like to volunteer, there is a magnet coming home from Open House that states my phone number (with extension), as well as my email. 

I can't wait for this school year to start!  This blog will be updated weekly (usually on Fridays) to reflect what we've done that week in class.  There will also be a "Homework/Announcements" page that will be in your child's folder each week, to keep you up to date. 

Thank you so much for sharing your children with me. :)
A glimpse of our room! :)