Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hope for the Future: Our Second Grade Shines!

When posed to answer the question by on the hope for the future of American education, it's easy for me to look past the negative news of this past year and focus on the faces of the many students and staff at Jouett Elementary. While this year brought a new president, with new hopes for education funding, the reality is that he does not have a magic wand to wave and *poof* everything becomes "good" again. With the pressures of standardized testing, staying healthy in a world made paranoid by the H1N1 scare, and other negative news about education, it's easy to isolate ourselves in our small rural county and focus on what's most important: the students.

I am so proud of my students this year. We have embarked on new journeys and experiences. We are taking the "budget crunch" in our own hands and getting our own funding through for projects that we feel benefit our class. We are seeking grants to help fund field trips and projects that otherwise might not happen. We are becoming 21st century learners and future leaders by becoming "global" and expanding our worlds to include other students in other places through projects such as Voice Thread and blogs. We are becoming independent learners, inspiring ourselves to learn more about subjects that we are interested in, through the use of our library, the Internet, and other resources. The students are even becoming teachers themselves - teaching other classes, both in second grade and beyond, how to create and utilize technology that we ourselves have learned and mastered.

My class gives me hope and instills in me a warm sense of pride as I watch them grow and learn. This is the future of our country, and the future of our education. How can I not feel that the road ahead, although rocky at times, will lead on to bigger and better things for these wonderful individuals? Happy Holidays to all my students and their families. See you in 2010! :)

This post is part of the MAT@USC Hope for the holidays event. Did you have an experience or witness something in 2009 which gave you hope for the future of American education? If so, please see this post for more information on how to share it.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday and safe break. I hope everyone is having fun in the snow and enjoying themselves! :)
I'm already planning some fun activities for 2010! Speaking of planning, if someone you know, business or person, needs a great tax deductible donation for 2009, please guide them to our Donors Choose page! We have three current projects posted we're hoping to have funded soon. The students are so excited about this website and its impact it has had in our classroom this year. We'd like to keep this ball rolling. :) Thanks for helping us out and once again, have a great break! Stay safe and have fun! :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Building Houses - A Fun Treat!

We had a great time today creating our graham cracker houses. Unfortunately, some of them fell victim to a "tornado" and collapsed, but it was just as fun to rebuild and decorate the pieces! Check out our class creativity below!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fun Things to Do :)

Feeling snowed in? Here is a great site to create your very own personal snowflake. It's a lot of fun! Check it out!

Need a Snow Day?

Also, I will be adding to the Portaportal over the holidays, so be sure to check it often. I'm trying to do a bit of reorganizing, so if you don't see your favorite site in its usual place, it may have been moved to another folder! Have a fabulous break and I will see you in January 2010!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Students will qualify for the next AR Celebration by making 30 points by this Friday, December 18th. Here are our Top 10 AR Stars:

1. Taylor: 64.6

2. Kassandra: 53.0

3. Alex: 43.1

4. Alexis: 39.6

5. J.T.: 38.2

6. Abby: 30.1

7. Katya: 21.0

8. Trey: 20.7

9. Hunter: 19.3

10. Zachary: 16.6

Congrats and great work to all of our students! :)

Google Earth

Today, we explored maps, and the places we've discussed, in a whole new way! It's called Google Earth. This shows satellite images of the Earth, and can even be zoomed in to see tops of buildings and houses! You can do this by typing in addresses in the program. Google Earth is a free download, but draws its information from the Internet, so it does not take up much space on your computer.

Today, we saw the pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall in China, Jouett Elementary, and even a glimpse of Mrs. Youel's house! :) Students are VERY excited about this new program! We hope to use it in the future for virtual field trips, as well as exploring new places!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Week of November 30th

In order to make it easier on our substitute next week, I will be putting word study words for next week, as well as reading logs, in student homework folders on Wednesday (tomorrow). I have also sent home a "permission slip" that asks if you and your child will be attending Barnes & Noble night on Friday, December 4th (details on the yellow sheet in the folder). It's more of an RSVP than a permission slip! Please sign and let us know if you will be able to attend. I will also be sending home words to the songs we will be singing.

If anything changes, I will definitely be posting on the blog, and again, am available through email if you have any questions or concerns! :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Homework and Announcements

Don't forget the Native American Project is due this Tuesday!

Also, you'll notice that this week and next week's homework/announcements sheet is stapled in the agenda. This is because next week, I will not be in school Monday-Wednesday. I will be at a conference in Roanoke presenting about Voice Threads. I am really excited to show off what we have created in class, as well as other Voice Thread ideas from other schools! I will miss the students, but if you need to contact me, you can still reach me through email, which I will be checking on a daily basis!

Please read the notes in the announcements about mid year tests. I will be sending home a folder students are putting together containing copies of study guides that they have gotten this year. Expect this to come home this week. There is also a letter coming home soon about our Winter Party.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


As of Thursday, November 19th, our Top 10 AR STARS are:

1. Taylor - 53.7

2. Alex - 37.5

3. Kassandra - 36.7

4. J.T. - 36.5

5. Alexis - 30.3

6. Abby - 29.6

7. Katya - 17.3

8. Trey - 17.2

9. Hunter - 14.7

10. Ian - 14.2

Monday, November 16, 2009

Scholastic Book Order Information

Our current book orders, sent home in Thursday’s folder (November 12), are due this Friday, November 20th. For some reason, only some of these flyers are available online. Others, such as the November issues and the Lucky/Arrow December issues, somehow are not available online (not sure why), so please send these in as “regular orders” with money (check or cash) attached, and I will call them in so we can get the same “speed” as the online orders. This will be our last order before Winter Break. In the past, some parents have asked me to keep orders until they can come pick them up because of the holiday season. I am more than happy to do so. If you would like me to do this for you, please make sure you send the order and money in a sealed envelope with a note saying so. If you would like to do this for an order you submit online, please send me a note letting me know to hold the order.

As a reminder, the website to order online is:
I have simplified our class user name to simply: “youel” with the password staying “class.”
Thank you and happy ordering!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

China and Egypt Projects

What a great job students did on their China and Egypt projects! We also enjoyed our "feast" of foods found in these countries. Students say they can survive on things such as apples, cucumbers, rice, pomegranate, and others! :) Below are two voice threads we completed, checking our understanding of these two cultures. Enjoy!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Do you know your parts of a letter?

We do! We created a Voice Thread where students explained to us, as well as showed in song, what they know!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Top 10 AR Stars!

These are our current Top 10 AR Stars in our classroom as of Tuesday, November 3rd!

1. Taylor - 45.4
2. Kassandra - 33.1
3. J.T. - 33.0
4. Abby - 28.6
5. Alex - 24.8
6. Alexis - 23.3
7. Katya - 15.7
8. Ian - 12.4
9. Trey - 11.3
10. Hunter - 9.5

*As a reminder, students are rewarded if they can reach 30 points by the end of the 9 weeks (December)!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

We Just Got Funded!!!!!

A BIG THANK YOU to all of the students who "yahoo yodeled" for our listening center! With your help, and the help of a VERY generous uncle, we will soon be the proud owners of a brand new listening center!!!!

I was so inspired, I've already proposed our next project: a document camera. This is a VERY cool tool that we got to use for a day in our classroom when we studied maps (in particular, the compass rose). This, when combined with a projector, shows, in color, a worksheet, a book, an object--anything you put under it, it shows big and in color. It was so much fun! We read together a book that normally, would have been too small to read aloud in a group. We put worksheets into page protectors and, using dry erase markers, it became an interactive lesson (and saved us 23 copies per page!). Any small objects, such as figures for Social Studies, leaves or magnets for science, can be shown using this projector so that everyone can see! Imagine seeing magnetism in action...the push and pull of two poles of a magnet, demonstrated by teachers and students, before trying it on your own!

It's an awesome tool that I hope we'll be able to fund. The Yahoo yodels run through November 8, so I think it would be neat to try for it! Thanks to those parents at home who are able to record yodels, receiving codes to donate to our projects! We will continue to record in class as well. Here's hoping to have our next two projects funded soon! ;)

Help Us "Stamp Out" our Letter Unit!

Heading, Greeting, Body, Closing, Signature....

Have you heard your child singing this? We are studying how to write friendly letters, including all their five parts! However, we need your help! Part of our study of friendly letters include sending letters in the mail to sports team, to request a donation for our Friday prizes! If you could send in a book of "Forever Stamps" (available from the post office or grocery store), we'd be most grateful! We have already drafted our letter, and are ready to write our first letters to send out!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Special Thanks

Special thanks go out to 9 of our students who have volunteered (and parents have given permission) to do a "Yahoo Yodel," and in doing so, have raised $90 for our classroom listening center. Way to go! We hope to record more next week. If you'd like to help, it's very easy! Record a short yodel, upload it to, and you'll receive a code. Using the link from our blog page, you can go straight to the project page for our listening center. If everything continues to go well, we might have it funded by the end of next week! Awesome job, everyone! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009


We are proud of our students who are doing so well with AR! Recently, 5 of our students were honored because they received 15 points by the end of the first nine weeks: Taylor, J.T., Kassandra, Alexis, and Abby. Way to go! The next goal to meet is 30 points by the end of the 2nd 9 weeks (in December). Good luck! ;)

Our current top 10 list:
Taylor (42 points)
Kassandra (29.8)
J.T. (26.7)
Abby (24.2)
Alex (19.1)
Alexis (18.9)
Katya (14.6)
Ian (9.5)
Trey (9.2)
Hunter (7.3)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thanks for Yodeling!

A special thanks to Alexis, who created a yodel and contributed $10 to our project of a classroom listening center! Way to go! :)

Contributions of Ancient China and Egypt

Our class is really excited about our new project! Information went home on Monday in your child's folder. Please contact me for any questions or concerns.

Students need to only choose one project from the list, not one from each culture. A few suggested projects were on the sheet, but please feel free to let your child go "wild" with ideas! Some parents have asked if technology can be incorporated with the project. We have created both Photo Stories (a free download from Microsoft) and Voice Threads in class. Your child can also use that as a project idea.

I am going to change the due date of our project to November 5th, since that is Grandparent's Day, and I'm sure our visitors would like to see their grandchild presenting a project they worked so hard on! They can also share in our "feast" we will have on that same day. More information on what your child can bring in that day will be coming home soon.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Yahoo! Sample Yodel from Jack

Just to show how easy it is to do, we recorded my son, Jack, doing a Yahoo yodel (he wanted to "lip sync") with the digital camera. Then, we saved it on the computer, went to the site, uploaded it (we had to enter in some information--I used the school telephone number, 540-872-3931, instead of our own), and he received a confirmation number. We then went to (there's a link), searched under "youel" and found our two projects. We typed in $10 for the donation (instead of $25), clicked check out, and entered in our code. It was as easy as that! It took more time to convince him to do it, then to actually do it! :) All in all, the uploading was the longest part. Please consider doing this and getting your friends to do this! It's a great way for our classroom to receive these resources, and it costs nothing to do it!

THAT Is Worth Yodeling About!


Yahoo! is inviting all teachers, family and friends tp share your creative singing voices by recording and uploading your own "Yahoo! Yodel."

In return for submitting your own Yodel, Yahoo! will immediately provide you with a $10 electronic Giving Card to help fund our classroom project!

It's very easy! We will be doing one in class on Monday to earn $10 towards our two projects currently on Donors Choose (digital cameras, listening center). If possible, it would be fabulous if you could also do one at home, earning another $10 towards our class projects! Please tell friends, family, and neighbors to also participate!

If you have a web cam, you record yourself doing the Yahoo! Yodel (or another type of yodel---I will let you see ours below), upload it to the yahoo link below, and they will give you a number for your electronic card through your email. Click on the link here on our blog, and it will take you right to our giving page for Donors Choose!

If you do not have a web cam, they will also accept uploads from other media, such as video cameras, or the video feature on your digital camera!

So please help out our class by yodeling! The project expires on 11/8/09!

"Yahooooo! Youel's Yodelers for Donors Choose! Please help us out today!"

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall Party

Our Fall Party will be on Friday, October 30th from 2:15 - 3:00. We will be participating in activities that are fall-related, and enjoying some special snacks! I will be sending home a sign-up sheet soon in your child's homework folder. I am asking that the girls send in food and the boys send in goodies that are fall-related (enough for 22 students). More details to come!

Contributions to the Classroom

"Donors Choose" and "Digital Wish" are two sites that teachers can access to request funding for classroom projects that involve technology. While Jouett does have some amazing equipment to use to help enhance your child's learning experience, often it is one item that is shared by all the teachers. In an attempt to help our school, and our classroom, receive funding for more of these great items, I have registered at these two sites to request funding.

Donors Choose is offering a challenge: "We Teach. Those who don't, GIVE." Please check out the link below with our class request. Please share it with others. If enough people donate by October 31st, it will unlock $100,000 in additional funding for projects!

If you know of anyone, a person or a business, that is looking for a great cause to donate to (that is also tax-deductable!), please share the link below! Right now, we've had two donors, which is great, but does not fully fund our project. Donations can be as low as $1 and as high as needed.

Thank you so much for spreading the word! :)

Click! Picture This!

Digital Wish

Parent Conferences

Parent Conference forms went home in your child's folder on Wednesday this past week. Please return promptly so we can schedule a conference on either Tuesday, October 20th or Wednesday, October 21st. If neither of these days work for you, please let me know a convenient day and time.

Phone conferences are also an option if you cannot make it in during the times listed. Please add your time, day, and phone number where you will be available at that time at the bottom of your form, indicating that you would prefer a phone conference. :)

Read Aloud Week, October 18 - 25

Thanks to those parents who are able to come in and read aloud during "Read Aloud to a Child" week, October 18-25. I will be getting back to you soon with a schedule of your time. Please bring in a book of your choice to read to students. I can also provide books to read aloud as well.

In addition to "Read Aloud Week," CBS 6 in Richmond is also sponsoring a contest.

Students will be drawing pictures of the books that they listened to during the week. Then, we will be sending forms home for parents to complete, which will be sent with the picture to CBS TV. Then, watch Richmond CBS 6 station to see if the picture is chosen for sharing during the news program. Students whose pictures are chosen will win a special coupon!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Homework and Announcements for the week of October 5-9

*We are continuing our Geography unit in Social Studies this week, emphasizing map skills and parts of a map, such as the legend, symbols, title, and the compass rose (north, south, east, west). Part of your child's homework this week will be to create a map of his/her bedroom. This will be in the Homework folder on Monday! We will also have a quiz on this unit on Friday, so please be helping your child look over the study guide each night!

*Please be sure you are checking your child's reading log each week. Several have been turned in with no parent signature at the bottom. Also, we are missing some reading logs, so please be sure it is in your child's folder on either Friday or Monday!

*Photo Stories and links to the Voice Threads are being published either on the website, blog, or class wiki. There will be a note on our homepage of the website where they will be located so you can view your child's hard work!

Homework for the Week:
*Reading Log (10 minutes each night)
*Map Project
*Geography Study Guide

Resource Schedule For the Week:
Monday: P.E.
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: P.E.
Thursday: Art
Friday: P.E.
*next Monday will be our extended resource, so students will have both Music and P.E.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


We are so excited about recycling in our classroom! Right now, we are recycling 1) paper 2) bottles/cans/juice pouches and 3) glue bottles/glue sticks! We are really excited about becoming more responsible about our environment! I have included some photos of us working on our "glue boxes" for our Glue Crew! So far, we have 9 classes that have signed up to join us!

Voice Threads

We are just about finished completing our "Voice Threads" in our class! Students took their book reports they completed at home and turned them into book talks, focusing on the beginning, middle, and end of a story.

The difference between a Voice Thread and a Photo Story is that you can comment on anyone's Voice Thread. This can be done by typing, recording your voice, or by telephone. Please feel free to comment on your child's voice thread (just remember--some are still working on theirs!). I hope to have the Photo Stories up soon so you can also view them!

The students were so excited about these two projects. Because they are our first, they are a little rough, but we know the more we create, the better they will become! :)
password: classroom

Friday, September 25, 2009

Welcome to the Glue Crew!

As a class, we have discussed ways to help the environment. We participate in the school recycling program with bottles and juice pouches. We recycle paper in our classroom. Our next step is to become the Jouett Elementary Glue Crew!

The Glue Crew is where we recycle glue bottles and glue sticks by collecting, cleaning, and packing the items to be taken to a local Walmart, who will make sure that the items will be sent to a proper recycling facility. When you think of how much glue is used in a school, especially an elementary, it really adds up. We've seen how, in a week, how much paper is being recycled that would normally be in a landfill. The same with bottles. The students are excited that we are doing our part to help the environment! We are decorating boxes for the other classes that are participating and will be in charge of collecting glue bottles and sticks each Friday. It's still a "work in progress," but I think we're going to have a lot of fun learning as we go! :)

More information can be found at

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Presidential Speech to Students

Thanks to those that have already sent in your blue forms! If you have not, and you would like your child to view the speech made by President Obama, encouraging school children to aim high and succeed, please send in your blue form on Friday. This is the day we will be viewing the speech! Thanks! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Homework and Announcements for the week of September 21-25, 2009


*PTA is sponsoring a contest for membership. The more parents that join, the more privileges our class can earn! Please consider joining this wonderful organization. They do so much for our school and our students! A second set of yellow information forms went home last week in your child’s folder.

*Thank you to all the parents who are helping their child keep up with assignments, such as reading logs and, recently, our book reports! We hope to go to the computer lab this week and create our Voice Threads about our books! We are also finishing up our matter Photo Stories. Be looking for those to be posted on our class wiki soon!

*Our Math “Temperature” test will be on Tuesday. Since this is a subject we have covered in our Weather unit, it is a performance assessment, where your child will be tested on how well he/she can use the thermometer when given a specific temperature (to the nearest 10). Our Weather unit test will be this Friday. Please be looking over the study guide with your child each night! J

Monday, September 21: Resource: P.E.

1. Reading Log

2. Weather study guide

Tuesday, September 22: Resource: Art

Math: Temperature 2.19 performance assessment

1. Reading Log

2. Weather study guide

Wednesday, September 23: Resource: P.E.

1. Reading Log

2. Weather study guide

Thursday, September 24: Resource: Music

1. Reading Log

2. Weather study guide

Friday, September 11: Resource: P.E.

Science: Weather 2.6 test

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Project

Thanks to all the parents that have helped with our book report project this week. So far, it looks great. With this project, each student will create what is called a voice thread (see examples on our class website from last year), and do a "book talk" about the book they chose.

I need your favor with one more step for this project. If you could, please send in the book that your child read so that we can take a photo of it for the Voice Thread! We will be going to the computer lab on Tuesday to create these, so if you could send it in right away, it would be much appreciated! If you no longer have the book, that is okay. We will look up the title/author using "Google Image" and, with permission, will use that photo for the Voice Thread.

Thanks to everyone for supporting your child's education! :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Weather Wordle

Wordle: Weather words
We created a wordle about weather. Each person said one or two words that reminded them of weather on the first day of our unit. Check it out! :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Announcements and Homework for the week of September 14 – 18, 2009

*This week for homework, students will continue to fill out their Reading Logs. In addition, your child needs to choose 1 book they read during the week and fill out the book report sheet. This is due on Friday. We will then use what students have written to create a book talk on their book!

*Picture Day is on Wednesday, September 16th! Forms went home already, but I have some extra if you need them.

*We are beginning our Weather unit (2.6) in Science. A good way to help your child study for this unit is to discuss the weather on a daily basis, and even have your child watch the weather on the news!

*Thank you to everyone who has sent back Interims on such a timely basis! A copy will be coming home in your child’s folder for you to keep! 

Monday, Sept. 14: Day 1: Art
1. Reading Log (10 min)
2. Book Report sheet

Tuesday, Sept. 15: Day 2: P.E.
1. Reading Log (10 min)
2. Book Report sheet

Wednesday, Sept. 16: Day 3: Music
1. Reading Log (10 min)
2. Book Report sheet

Thursday, Sept. 17: Day 4: P.E.
1. Reading Log (10 min)
2. Book Report sheet

Friday, Sept. 18: Day 5: Library
*Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Interims, Reading Logs, Book Orders

Interims come home today, Thursday! They will have a slightly different look to them, but the procedure is the same. Please sign that you have seen your child's interim and return it the next day in your child's homework folder.
Then, we will send you a copy of the Interim for you to keep at home. Please remember that this is your child's halfway point grade - it can raise or lower, based on your child's work and efforts from now until report cards, in October! :)

Reading Logs: I did not realize that on the reading log, it said it was due on Friday. I will still collect these on Monday, and put a new log in your child's folder. Sorry for the confusion!

Book Orders: A new book order is coming home in your child's Thursday folder. If you would like to order online (and we had 3 parents do so on the last order!), the procedure is the same. I will send home a reminder note in the folder about it! :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Homework and Announcements for the Week of September 8-11, 2009


*Thanks to all the parents who have volunteered to help in our classroom. If I have not contacted you, please let me know! I would like for our volunteers to start coming in either this week or next week, unless you have otherwise noted it on the letter.

*School pictures will be next week, September 16th. There were forms that went home in your child's folder last week. If you need an extra one, please let me know.

*PTA is sponsoring a contest for membership. The more parents that join, the more privileges our class can earn! Please consider joining this wonderful organization. They do so much for our school and our students! Yellow information forms went home last week in your child's folder.

*Thanks to all the parents who are signing the agendas each week, and filling out the paper in the Thursday folders. This lets me know that you are checking your child's folder and agenda each day! J

*Homework this week will be the Reading Log and any math fact sheets that are in your child's folder. You will notice a change to the Reading Log. Mrs. Watson, another second grade teacher, has graciously let us borrow her reading log. It is a definite improvement since you can now list your child's book and author, which makes it easier for AR quizzes.

Tuesday, September 8:
Resource: Music

*Reading Log

Wednesday, September 9:
Resource: P.E.

Math 2.6 Basic Facts test (add/subtract to 18)

*Reading Log

Thursday, September 10:
Resource: Library

Math 2.10 Fact Families test

*Reading Log

Friday, September 11:
Resource: P.E.

Science: Matter 2.3 test

Math 2.26 Problem Solving test

*Reading Log

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Great News!

I am so excited, I had to share the news! We've gotten a donation to our project posted on "Donors Choose"!!!!! What a great feeling it was to receive an email that we had received a donation from "Robbye in VA." If you haven't checked out our project request, please look to the post below for the link. If you know of anyone, or any business, looking for a tax-deductible donation, please point them our way!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This Week

Wow! This week has really flown by! We were PALS testing the first part of the week, and we're already almost at Thursday! Students have done very well with their testing and I hope to send results home soon.

Students are getting into "matter" now that we have started a new project. On Monday, we did a "scavenger hunt," where we searched our classroom and the outside playground for objects that were either solid, liquid, gas, or a combination of any of the states. On Tuesday, we took that same list and took photos of the objects that we saw. Today, we went to the computer lab to begin our "matter movie," using the program, "Photo Story 3." (a free download from Microsoft). We will be working with the laptops to work on our "movies" again this Friday. Students have been very excited about being able to use the cameras, as well as being able to make a movie! Once finished, we will post our completed stories online if not on our blog, then to our class wiki (I will post a link on the blog and the class website). I hope to have these completed next week! Our test on matter will be September 11th.

Speaking of technology, we were limited to using only 8 digital cameras. I have submitted a request using the website "Donors Choose," where public school teachers can request funding for items we would like to use in the classroom. Due to cost, I have asked for 5 cameras at this time. If you know of someone who is looking to help others, or a business that would like to sponsor a worthy cause, you should pass this link on to them:

One last note: you will notice a change to our reading log coming home next Monday. Mrs. Watson has generously let me copy her log, which looks fantastic, to use for our class! The difference will be now that your child will need to put the title and author of the book, and fill out a face based on if he/she liked the book or not. I think this will really help our students with AR, and on knowing which books to take a quiz!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Study Island

Today we went to the computer lab and were introduced to "Study Island." This is a program for Math and Reading practice with questions based on the standards of learning for second grade. Today, we completed the reading pretest, and began to earn blue ribbons playing with different reading concepts.

The best news is that this program is available at home for those with Internet access!
1. Go to
2. Login: student lunch number@jes
3. Password: jouett

This link will also be available on our class website. Have fun and good luck! :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday Reminders

*Reading Logs are due each Monday. Please make sure these are in your child's folder to collect on Monday morning. A new reading log is placed in the folder for the week.

*PALS testing is all this week and into next week. We will be testing each day for small blocks of time. Please make sure your child gets a good night's rest each night, as well as a healthy breakfast at home or at school! :)

*Homework this week includes the Reading Log and, when appropriate, a math sheet. Please see the note about the math sheets in your child's folder that went home Monday.

*Scholastic Book Orders are due this Friday. A very easy, convenient way is to order online. There is a note in your child's folder on how to do this, or follow these easy steps:
1. Go to
2. Click on the "Parent" tab
3. Click on "order books from your class flyer"
4. Login: mrsyouelsclass (password: class)
5. Order away :) Ordering online means no messing with checks or cash - you can use your credit card to pay for it. Books will be delivered to the school with the class order.

*You can still order Scholastic book club with check/cash by sending in the slip in your child's homework folder with the money in a ziploc/sandwich bag!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Word Study

A copy of your child's word study words came home on Monday in the homework folder. We will work with these words in class all week during our reading time. Feel free to use the copy at home to cut apart and have your child practice sorting the words into categories, as well as spelling them out to you.

The features at the top of the list can also be used for activities with your child. For example: your child has short a and long a as the two features for the week. As well as studying the words on the page, you could have your child tell you other words that have the short a/long a sounds. A word hunt is when you use printed text, such as a book or magazine, to find words that match a feature. Another fun activity is to have your child find or draw pictures that match the feature (for example: apple=short a, lake=long a).

Each Friday, your child will be assessed using this same list of words. You will see two grades on the test: a sort grade (how well your child sorted the words into the proper category), and a spelling grade (how many words were spelled correctly). Only 10 words from the list will be assessed each week.

If you have any questions on Word Study, please feel free to contact me! :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ticket Incentives

Friday was our first day to turn in tickets that students have earned all week for exhibiting good work habits and good behavior. There is also the added responsibility of not losing your tickets or ticket bags during the week.
Students can earn several Friday prizes each week. There are three levels of prizes:
1-10 tickets=small prize
11-29 tickets=2 small prizes
30+ tickets=3 prizes, one of which is earning time to "play" with our class pets, one of three "Webkinz." Our class is proud to be the owners of Hippy the hippo, Chester the dog, and Lester the lion! The two top ticket earners for the week (top boy, top girl), earn extra time with our pets.

At the end of each month, students must earn 100 tickets to be able to participate in a special "ticket celebration activity." This will be celebrated as close to the first of each month as possible! Students are very excited about this program and were very proud of the tickets they had earned in the first week! :)

Homework and Announcements for the Week of August 17-21

*This will also appear in paper form, stapled in your child's agenda.

*Homework for this week will be the Reading Log. Students need to read at least 5 times during the week for 10 minutes (a total of 50 minutes). Of course, more minutes are always welcome! For our reading incentive this year, we are going to count books through AR quizzes, but please also fill in the ice cream cones at the bottom of the Reading Logs, since not all books are AR. Reading Logs are due on the Monday after the week read (so this week’s log will be due on Monday, August 24th).

*Speaking of AR, student computers should be up and working this week. Our nine week goal is 15 points. For those of you not familiar with AR, students read a book and take a quiz on the computer, testing comprehension of the book. The more difficult the book, the higher the point value. We will be keeping track in class how many AR points each student has earned. A list of AR books are available on the school website, but because of the length of the list, I am not able to print it for families.

Monday, August 17:
Resource (Day 6): P.E.
*Reading Log (10 minutes)

Tuesday, August 18:
Resource (Day 7): Art
*Reading Log (10 minutes)

Wednesday, August 19:
Resource (Day 8): P.E.
*Reading Log (10 minutes)

Thursday, August 20:
Resource (Day 9): Music
*Reading Log (10 minutes)

Friday, August 21:
Resource (Day 10): P.E.
*Reading Log (10 minutes)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Family Fun

Did you know that Goochland Co. is getting a drive-in movie theatre? It is set to open on August 28th. Here is the website link:

It is located off Rt. 629, right pass the bridge over I64 (Old Fredericksburg Rd.), about a 10 minute drive from Jouett. They are promising affordable entertainment without the drive! I know my family is very excited about it!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Food Allergies Alert!

We have a student that has a peanut allergy. Please be considerate and pack your child a snack that does not contain peanuts! Thank you so much for your understanding. We want to make this a safe, comfortable environment for this student! :)

Thursday Routines/Friday Announcement

I will try to send home Thursday folders tomorrow. If not, they will definitely go home next Thursday! Included in your child's papers will be a Scholastic Book Order. Please make checks out to Scholastic. If you prefer, you will also be able to order online, which uses your credit card. Books will still be delivered to the classroom, but you have that added convenience of a different method of payment! I will still accept book orders that include check or cash in the classroom.

Since they announced ice cream for the 3-5th graders today, they are most likely going to have ice cream on Friday. There was a slight price increase to 75 cents. Please send this in a baggie in your child's homework folder with his/her name and the ice cream choice (I have not been told of any different flavors).
Ice Cream Sandwich
Orange Dreamsicle
Chocolate Dreamsicle
(I believe these are the choices, but will double check on them).

Thanks so much for all your help! :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day!

Our first day of school went great! As always, it's a little hectic as the students get acclimated to the new environment, chat with their friends (most they haven't seen since May), and get ourselves settled into a new routine.
I will not be assigning homework for this week. You will notice in your child's agenda, though, that I will be posting either a smiley face, straight face, or frown about your child's behavior for the day.

Smiley face = great day!
Straight face = lost a few tickets, had to be spoken to several times
Frown = had their frog "caught in the net," timeout (which will be in the homework folder), or no show of improvement during the day

If your child receives something other than a smiley face, a short description will describe why your child earned the face they did. If you have any questions about your child's "face," please feel free to contact me! Please initial each day that you have seen your child's "face" and completed the homework for that day!

Starting next week, you will see, attached to your child's agenda for that week, a homework and announcement sheet. If you have not bought an agenda for your child, please send in the $6.00 as soon as possible and we will get one for him/her. If you are having trouble getting an agenda, please let me know and I will see what I can do.

Thanks so much for taking such an interest in your child's education! I am looking forward to a great year! ;)