Sunday, October 27, 2013

The End of October???

It's hard to believe that it's the end of October, already! 

This week, I wanted to feature our "Fun Fridays" for Writing.  During the week, students learn about grammar and proper sentence structure.  They practice it, but its in isolation.  So, on Fridays, we started putting what we've learned together, along with a special treat or craft, and created stories!

This week, our "Fun Friday" focused on apples.  Each student got half an apple and used adjectives to describe the apple (at least 2!) using their senses.  It was a great practice on adjectives and was "out of the box," so to speak, since students had to USE them and not simply find them in a paragraph, sentence, or story!

Check it out below:

This week, our activities include the BMX bike show on Monday (because so many students in our school participated in the fundraiser, EVERYONE gets to go!).  On Wednesday, it's "Book Character Dress Up Day."  On Wednesday, we'll also have some special seasonal centers during Math.  We'll end the week by finishing up our unit in History on "Community Changes:  Past and Present."

Looking forward to seeing those great Native American projects coming in on Monday! :)

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